Sunday, June 8, 2014

You're One! The Things You Can Do...

I know every parent thinks his/her own baby is a genius. It's because we watch them grow so quickly, going from not being able to do much to being able to do SO many things in such a short span of time. So I can't help being excited about all the new things my daughter can do because I think she is incredible!

Without further ado, here are some of the AMAZING things you can do, Baby!

1) STTN: Such an important part of parenting life that it has its own acronym. You started sleeping through the night randomly a few weeks ago and we are soooo grateful! 8-10 hour stretches of sleep without needing to nurse you back down feels amazing. It also makes me proud because we never sleep trained you and we still bed share, which just goes to show that the "experts" are full of crap when they say babies need to be "taught" or "trained" to sleep well.
(I wish I had a cuter photo of us both in the bed, but this is the best I can do-- little baby in a King bed!)

2) Walking: Look at you go!

3) Talking... sorta: You know what a squirrel says (insert tongue clicking sound here), you know the monkey says "ah ah!" and you can say "hi" (and Mama and Dada of course). Also, I have been trying to teach you the sign for "all done" for months and was really trying to reinforce it this morning when you were done with breakfast. You weren't quite getting it and you were clearly getting frustrated, so I went to get a towel to wipe your hands. As I was getting the towel, I kept saying "all done" and then I turned to you and you went "ahhhhh DUUUUUUUH!!!!" in a very growly voice!

4) Bringing me books to read: you love to sit and look at books by yourself, but today you brought "Is Your Mama a Llama?" over to me to read to you, which I thought was very sweet.

5) Giving kisses without me asking for them: you did that today for the first time-- a nice slobbery lick right on my cheek!

6) Pet Leigan nicely... some of the time! You still like to pull out fistfuls of fur, but you have also figured out that petting is just like waving with your hand on his back.

7) Pointing when I ask where Dada/Leigan/Mama is.

8) Apparently you know that hats go on your head! When our friend Lisa came to visit, she asked if you wanted the hat you were pointing at, and you patted the top of your head.

9) Recognizing names of your toys: We asked you where Berkeley Bear was, and you picked him out from the bookcase and brought him over to us.

10) You lay down your head when I say "goodnight"... if only it also magically made you fall asleep, too!

You are learning so much so fast... keep up the good work, Baby! <3